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Date:August 2017

Stepping Forward

Warm weather marks a new season for runners, walkers, joggers and a many other sports enthusiasts ... from baseball and tennis players to street hockey and skate boarders. An important part of your athletic regimen is the equipment you use, and a basic, very imporant item is your shoes. Appropriate, well-fitting shoes are not only important for comfort, they offer you great benefits.

If the Shoe Fits

The wrong shoes can put a serious damper on the enjoyment - and benefits - you garner from a walking or running program. If you've been in an athletic shoe department lately, you know that choosing a running shoe is no small task these days! Understanding your foot type can make the task much easier, and finding that out is as easy as checking the wear pattern on your shoes!

Ready to start your new beginning?


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Allow Peter to be your Spiritual Life Coach and be fed spiritually each day with topics on; believing again, finding balance, dreaming big, restoring hope and faith.


Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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