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Asparagus: A Spring Superfood

Fresh Michigan asparagus will be showing up in the produce aisles of your local store soon. One of spring's favorite crops, it is a nutrient-rich powerhouse. One cup of cooked asparagus offers over 101% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, 67% of folate, 33% of copper, 24% of vitamin B1,20% of selenium, 19% of vitamin B2, 18% of vitamins C and E, plus a host of other nutrients, including over 14% of the RDI for fiber. This tasty morsel comes with some great benefits!
  • Anti-Inflammatory. Asparagus has a long history in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. We now know that those particular medicinal qualities are derived from a type of phytonutrient called saponins which are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Sapopins have also been associated with improved blood pressure, improved blood sugar regulation, and better control of blood fat levels.
  • Digestive Support. Asparagus is rich in fiber and is one of the top thirty vegetables for protein, making it an excellent choice for vegetarian diets. The protein, along with asparagus' healthy portion of fiber helps stabilize the digestive process and helps keep food moving through us at a healthy rate. Asparagus also contains inulin, a carbohydrate known to be a prebiotic that supports nutrient absorption while lowering allergy and colon cancer risks.
  • Heart Health. Asparagus is not only rich in fiber, it is an excellent source of B vitamins -- especially folate -- which play a vital role in heart health. This great combination lowers the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. The anti-inflammatory properties can also help prevent heart disease by lowering the risk of cardiovascular and blood sugar problems.
  • Anti-Cancer. The National Cancer Institute has rated asparagus as the food highest in the anti-carcinogen, glutathione. It is also a rich and good source, respectively, of the vitamins A and C, known cancer fighters. Additionally, asparagus is an excellent source of folic acid, vital for blood cell formation, growth, and prevention of liver disease.
Asparagus, a tender superfood with a big punch!

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