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Winter Workout Rules

Workout rules change in winter. Are you a runner? Paying attention to a few simple details can help insure your safety during your winter fitness routine. Dress in layers that can be stripped off as the workout intensifies. If you're a runner you'll need even fewer layers of clothing. Micro-fiber polyester fabrics are usually the best way to go! In very cold weather. up to three layers of clothing can be worn. An inner layer. A long sleeve outer layer and a nylon wind breaker should do trick!  A few other important tips are:
  • Watch your step. Roads can be slippery and shorter days mean darker runs — if your run in the evening, invest in a headlamp and reflective gear.
  • Change out of your exercise clothes as soon as you get home.  Sweaty workout wear gets chilly in cold Winter air, so protect yourself from the sniffles!
  • Hydrate.  It's important to hydrate in the winter, even if you don't feel as sweaty as you do in the summer.
Stay safe and healthy during and after your winter run!

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