Antioxidants and Anti-Aging
Science has been studying the effects of antioxidants and free radicals on the aging process since 1957, and the results are promising! Research has concentrated on the idea that free radicals are responsible for age-related damage at both the cellular and tissue levels. It is believed that the creation of too many free radicals in our systems can overwhelm our natural antioxidant defenses and lead to oxidation and impaired cellular functions. What are free radicals? They are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons that can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. They are highly reactive and can cause serious damage when they react with different cellular components such as DNA, or cell membrane leading cells to function poorly or die. Free radicals are all around us and are especially plentiful in pollution, chemicals, pesticides, alcohol, and unhealthy food. Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals in your body. Fortunately, we have natural antioxidant defenses to protect our bodies from free radicals, however, our immune system loses power as we age.
We now know and science supports what our forbears knew long ago ... blueberries offer great value to any nutritional regimen
The Key to Youthfulness
The most common reasons for adopting an exercise regimen are improved health and weight loss or gain. Additionally, many people target specific areas in their quest for perfect abdomenals or aim for an overall sculpted look. One terrific result we don't hear of often is the striking anti-aging effects of a fitness program. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle actually speeds up the rate of aging! What are the components of an anti-aging fitness program?