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Staying Mentally Sharp as We Age

More and more Americans are concerned with staying fit and healthy as they age, and that includes mentally fit!  Two new studies could provide just the answer they're looking for! In Europe, test subjects between the ages of seventy and ninety were questioned about their levels of physical activity in the year 1990. A decade later researchers found that less active men scored two and a half times worse on mental ability tests than their more active counterparts! The study shows a direct link between inactivity and declining mental ability as we age! A test done at Harvard showed similar results, even though there were differences in the kind of physical activities involved.  American men tended to walk, while the Europeans did a lot more bicycling. There were other differences in the two studies but both reached essentially the same conclusion. As we age exercise is just as good for your brain as it is for your body!

The Dark Side of Sodas

Power Off the Pounds: Wedding Edition!

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