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Exercise and Diet

Exercise is vital to your overall well being! However, exercise alone just isn't enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle! There are many documented cases of people who are in tiptop physical condition, but neglect other key risk factors like high cholesterol and plaque on the arteries. In the end they develop life threatening coronary problems just like anyone else. Exercise also has limited affect on those who have a documented family history of heart disease. Don't get me wrong, exercise will definitely reduce your chances for coronary problems. However, with a genetic disposition to heart disease, it's even more important that exercise is done in tandem with a healthy, well balanced diet program focusing on cholesterol reduction and proper nutrition! Next time you go for a snack after a hard workout, drop the burger and add a little more healthy, nutritious lifting to your regimen! This week on Peter's Principles Television: Exercise for Healing Explore how exercise helps your body and mind work though life's challenges and how to boost your efforts with diet. Peter will talk with athletes and other experts on subjects ranging from overcoming addiction and fear to building endurance as a triathelete. Wondering about which exercises are best to add to your training for running or walking?  Are there particular food items that you should add to your diet? For more information about the positive effects of exercise, diet and faith on your well-being,  watch Peter's Principles TV on Friday, August 20th at 12:30 p.m. and Sunday, August 22nd at 4:30 a.m. on ABC, Channel 7 in Detroit.

The Atkins Diet

Living with Arthritis

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Allow Peter to be your Spiritual Life Coach and be fed spiritually each day with topics on; believing again, finding balance, dreaming big, restoring hope and faith.


Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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