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Warding Off Alzheimer's Disease

Your best bet in keeping Alzhiemer's at bay is ... keep your brain fit! A recent study followed more than 10,000 men and women -- all of them twins. Researchers found that the twins who worked and kept their brains active lowered their risk of Alzheimer's disease by 22 percent! The twins at a lower risk of the disease held jobs involving complex interaction with people, such as teaching, managing or negotiating. Researchers also found compiling, organizing or analyzing information is also helpful. If your job doesn't include any of these activities, try doing crossword puzzles or jigsaw puzzles -- anything to keep your brain active.

Exercise and Happiness

What About Weight Training?

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Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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