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Relaxing for Health

Looking for healthy  tips on staying fit while relaxing around the house? Try a little digging and weeding! Weeding expends as much energy as shooting baskets or walking four miles per hour. Digging or mowing burn as much energy as playing softball or doubles tennis! A 150 pound person burns 160 calories per hour weeding and planting, and 190 calories digging and mowing! Gardening is also great for your heart and lungs, and it strengthens muscles throughout the body. People with arthritis or a similar condition should consider buying tools with easy to grip handles. Don't over do it! Participate in alternate activities to avoid repetitive motor injuries, and be extra careful not to strain your back. You'll look better and so will your garden!

Make Time to Eat

Great Food for Fighting Dehydration

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Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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