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More Ways to Stay on Track for the Holidays

Remember, a piece of pie here, a tumbler of eggnog there and a cookie with your tea can add an extra 200 calories a day. At that rate you could gain an extra two to three pounds over the holiday season! Ouch! Here are some tips to help you avoid the holiday weight gain.
  • Be choosy! Don’t eat everything at the holiday buffet. Pick out a couple of your favorite things.
  • Take 10! Take a ten minute break before going back for seconds, to give your brain a chance to catch up with your stomach.
  • Stand away from the food table at parties. You’ll be less likely to nibble.
  • Remember, don’t go out on an empty stomach! That’s a recipe for disaster.
Remember drink and eat in moderation, and exercise. It’ll make your holidays brighter!

Holiday Eating Tips

The Skinny on Carbohydrates

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